Thanks to voters for supporting Bremerton schools
With a heart beaming of pride and gratitude, this letter represents the unwavering courage of our community and firm commitment you made to our children’s future this week. The very essence of community pride is represented in your February 13 election votes, propelling us to move forward in ways that are both brave and bold.
Growing up in this remarkable community, I’ve witnessed firsthand the spirit that defines us. It’s a spirit that doesn’t shy away from challenges, but meets them head-on with courage and determination. It’s a spirit that dares to dream big, knowing the strength of our community knows no bounds. Your votes represented the willingness to take risks and think outside the box. Your votes represented a boldness that has set us apart, enabling us to envision a future where our children have the opportunity to excel and thrive.
As you may have heard, Proposition 1 (replacement EP&O levy) passed with 62.73 percent “yes” votes, and Proposition 2 (capital bond) passed with 61.31 percent “yes” votes.
Our community’s approval of this bond (the first bond on the ballot in 19 years) represents a tremendous investment in the future of our students, schools, and community that will have a profound impact for generations to come.
Thank you to our Bremerton community. Thank you for being extraordinary.
As we reflect on the journey that has brought us to this moment, let us take pride in our collective achievement and draw strength to further unite us. Let us continue to be brave in the face of adversity and bold in our pursuit of excellence, knowing that together, there is no challenge too great for us to overcome.
We are deeply grateful for the trust placed in us, and we understand the responsibility that comes with it. Please know, we are committed to investing these funds wisely and transparently to serve our students, and will continue to be excellent stewards of our community’s funds now and in the future.
Thank you for your trust in our school community - proud, brave, and bold: building our future together. Let’s continue to show the world what it means to be part of our extraordinary community.
We are Bremerton!
Dr. James Crawford, Bremerton School District Superintendent