Annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Bremerton Saturday

The 30th edition of Bremerton's St. Patrick's Day parade looks like it will catch a bit of luck with the weather, with sunny skies and spiking temperatures forecast for Saturday afternoon.
The annual event is scheduled for 2 p.m. on March 16, with walkers, bicycles and floats lining up for a loop of downtown starting on Pacific Avenue. Spectators can line up starting at Sixth and Pacific, where the parade steps off before heading down Pacific to Fourth Street, taking Fourth to Park Avenue, and then from Park back up Fifth Street to Pacific.
In addition, following the parade all attendees may participate in a kid-friendly coin scavenger hunt along the parade route. The Downtown Bremerton Association will hide 800 wooden coins around downtown and inside participating businesses. Find yours and redeem it at local businesses between 2 and 4 p.m. for prizes.