Election 2021: Lawyer Broughton challenges Bremerton's status quo: 'We've gotta do better'

EAST BREMERTON — When Bill Broughton talks of taking down regulatory barriers for developers in Bremerton, he mentions a very real wall going up at a business on Wheaton Way.
The longtime lawyer and real estate developer was inspired to run for office this year in part because of that wall, required by the city of a company moving to town. Viking Fence, which is establishing its headquarters in the old Parker Lumber property on Highway 303, had to spend tens of thousands of dollars on the wall, which the city said was necessary given the corridor's high density.
Broughton, a former Bremerton city attorney, says the city risks losing developers and residents under rigid requirements.
"What are they trying to protect with that wall on Wheaton Way?" Broughton questioned of the city requirement. "They may just be the rules. But you don't do things to discourage people from making that kind of an investment."
Those development regulations — and what he says has been a lack of progress in the past four years — propelled Broughton, a first-time candidate, toward political office.
It's a return to Bremerton for the father of four, who recently built his own home, and 37 others, at the western edge of Sylvan Way in a neighborhood he dubbed Port Washington Park. He felt the city's rules and requirements not only cost him extra money but were wasteful: unneeded sewer pipes, street lights, sidewalks, in his view. Though he'd purchased street trees specially grown with compact root systems, he was still required to install root barriers.
He likes the idea of giving city departments more leeway to make exceptions for developers where practical.
"I want common-sense regulations, I want common sense government," Broughton said in a debate with Mayor Greg Wheeler held by the League of Women Voters this month. "I want a welcoming environment for businesses. Public safety is my priority."
Perhaps Broughton's boldest initiative would come from one of the governments he's represented as a lawyer: the Kitsap Public Utilities District. Drawing on the example of the widespread public fiber network developed in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Broughton believes the district's fiber trunk could permeate the city's streets, providing lower-cost Internet to residents and drawing startup businesses downtown and elsewhere.
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Broughton said he'd be a "one and done" mayor — one term, that's it. He's not looking to make a career in politics. But he does want to change City Hall, to include hiring a city manager, so that the levers of government in Bremerton can be run by a professional trained for the job, not just someone elected on a whim.
From city attorney to developer
Broughton, 69, who grew up in small-town Virginia, got a law degree and first worked as a public defender before taking a job as a Kitsap County deputy prosecutor in 1979. Just 30 years old, he took a job as the Bremerton city attorney.
It was there he helped usher in the city's charter and form of government, argued cases before the state Supreme Court, and annexed the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard into the city, a move that brings utility taxes to the city to this day.
In 1987, he started his own private practice in Silverdale and was a founder of Kitsap Law Group. Broughton also got into real estate development on the side, a hobby that he enjoys for the feeling of having built a product "you can see from the sidewalk," he said. A former president of the Kitsap Building Association, Broughton has constructed a handful of office buildings and a few dozen homes around Kitsap. The Port Washington Park where he lives was his biggest development. But he doesn't expect to build many more homes.
His most recent legal case in Bremerton involved defending Brother Don's on Kitsap Way from noise ordinance violations, which the attorney fought and ultimately had thrown out on a judge's order that the city's ordinance was unconstitutional.
Andrew Walther, Broughton's campaign manager since June and a longtime family friend, sees the lawyer's candidacy as an opportunity to open back up City Hall — quite literally. Walther is critical of the lock on the mayor's office that went on the door after Wheeler was elected.
"We need someone who's not afraid of people," Walther said.
Walther sees Broughton as a change agent who has been working for cities and local governments for more than four decades. "He's a force of nature," Walther said. "Experience counts in this."
Broughton's plans for City Hall
Broughton is convinced he can find dollars being wasted at City Hall, starting with the assignment of a car to the mayor. A proponent of "zero-based budgeting," he'd ask each city department for "every dollar," before allocating it.
Broughton also believes it's time the city disclose how much it collects in utility taxes on ratepayers' bills each month for water, sewer and stormwater. He calls it "the big steal" and hopes to lower rates with money he saves or new revenues the city collects in the budget. "At a minimum, let's show it on the bill and justify it," he said.
Broughton, who said he's a lifelong Democrat, said he'd pursue a climate change agenda at the local level. That includes electrifying the city's fleet of vehicles, placing solar panels on city buildings and even outfitting Casad Dam, the city's main drinking water source, with the means to produce hydroelectric power.
Broughton said he would prioritize annexation of the commercial center on Highway 303 north of the city's limits at Riddell Road, something he sees as generating increased revenue for the city. With its jagged borders with the county in East Bremerton, he also thinks it makes sense to "square off" those city limits to include areas of Tracyton.
He said Wheeler's pursuit of body cameras for police and the continuing cleanup efforts at Kitsap Lake have been good initiatives. But generally, he believes the mayor has "just been playing it very safe," when it comes to reshaping the city at a time of booming development.
He said Wheeler was wrong not to conduct national hiring searches for several city government positions, instead promoting from within. "It's a talent pool without freshwater," Broughton said. "You get stagnation as a result."
Broughton wants to see more options for developers and to take regulations he believes are onerous off their shoulders. Why must developers put in parking spaces if they believe they can still make a project pencil, he wonders. All housing will help alleviate a severe shortage, he said.
"We've gotta get dense," Broughton said. "We've gotta go up."
Broughton, who doesn't believe Wheeler fought hard enough to keep St. Michael Medical Center in East Bremerton, is also worried about the city's plan for the area the hospital left behind. He said it should've been vetted by nationally known developers with "deep pockets" who would help create a bolder vision. As it stands now, Broughton fears the city's plan to allow large multifamily projects will become what the defunct Wheaton-Riddell subarea plan was a decade ago. There, the city envisioned a walkable and bikeable cooridor with residential units. But the plan discouraged all development until it was repealed.
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"The stick doesn't work if you've got nobody to hit with it," Broughton said.
Broughton believes Bremerton must fight for a new hospital, and that means getting state lawmakers to abolish a system that caps the number of hospital beds in Kitsap County and around the state. He sees it as having created "artificial monopolies."
He doesn't buy the idea that decisions made about Bremerton by external organizations — the hobbling Washington State Ferries or the health care group Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, which moved the county's main hospital to Silverdale last winter — should be met without much of a fight.
"You can raise hell, you can file a lawsuit, and you can make a lot of noise," he said. "We've gotta do better."
Josh Farley is a reporter covering the military and health care for the Kitsap Sun. He can be reached at 360-792-9227, josh.farley@kitsapsun.com or on Twitter at @joshfarley.