About to retire, Bremerton's Judge Docter tells fellow lawyers he is out of patience

After 24 years on the bench, Judge Docter has had enough.
In a speech on Nov. 5 during the monthly meeting of the Kitsap Bar Association, James Docter, the sole judge in the Bremerton Municipal Court, told about 60 of his fellow Kitsap County lawyers and judges that his patience had not lasted until the end of his term, set to expire Dec. 30.
Docter said the pandemic has been a “snow day” for criminals avoiding consequences, denied he was a “megalomaniac” and called out by name a Bremerton state lawmaker, known as a criminal justice reformer, saying her work in the Legislature is counter to all his beliefs.
“I used to be very proud of the experience of criminal justice, I don’t really enjoy it anymore,” Docter said during the gathering held remotely over Zoom. “I think it’s a great time for me to go move on to do something new. I am frustrated, I have lost patience. I reached the point where when defendants say the system is a joke they are getting very close to being correct.”
Docter said he doesn’t know the solution to the problems he sees but believes it requires more accountability, not less, and that the pandemic has been a “gold rush” for criminal behavior.
“Covid has become a godsend for criminal defendants on so many levels,” Docter said, adding later: “Covid has become like a snow day for them. It’s like a snow day for kids who haven’t done their homework or haven’t studied for an exam. It’s a snow day, after snow day, after snow day, and it hasn’t stopped snowing for 18 months.”
Docter said despite not being able to appear in court, some defendants still manage to go out and commit more crimes.
“A defendant says he has Covid, and then his wife is going to have Covid next week, and the kids are each going to have Covid and he has eight or 10 of them, and he’s not going to make it to court, sorry judge,” Docter said.
Following the speech, Docter said his frustration with the job started with the pandemic, when it became cumbersome, if not impossible, to keep tabs on offenders or to punish them when they violated court orders. Trials were shut down and beds in the Kitsap County Jail were reserved for people accused of more serious crimes.
"Justice has not been served," he wrote in an email to the Kitsap Sun.
Even before the pandemic, Docter said he began to distrust the system because of the increasing use of diversion agreements to allow people accused of certain low-level crimes to avoid prosecution and a conviction on their record. In some diversion agreements, defendants are required to attend addiction and mental health treatment, in others they are simply required to go a certain period without committing more crimes.
Docter said now defendants feel entitled to these ways of avoiding criminal consequences, and when they aren't offered diversion, or second and third chances, they feel they are being treated unfairly.
"I did way too much eye-rolling on the bench," Docter wrote.
He also questioned how well these defendants are being monitored.
"Trust me, if somebody gets into an accident and injures or kills somebody and they are on a (pre-trial diversion agreement), the court is going to be asked to prove or show why they did not more adequately supervise these people," Docter said during the speech, adding: "It's not a good recipe and I don't look forward to that day but I bet you that day is coming."
Docter said he believes the "extraordinary" number of diversion agreements is a result of a lack of resources.
"The justice system is currently overloaded, understaffed and underfunded," he wrote to the Kitsap Sun.
The speech was self-deprecating and lighthearted at times and included shout-outs to attorneys and staff members.
It also delved into a technical digression — a court of appeals decision involving an unsupervised drunk driving defendant who caused a deadly car crash — to explain an occasion when an attorney called Docter a “megalomaniac,” or someone obsessed with power.
In Docter’s view, among the competing responsibilities of being a judge are protecting the public and the city from habitual lawbreakers, both because of the harm they can cause to others and the subsequent liability for the city.
“I maintain I’m not obsessed with power, but my controlling behavior is motivated by the need to hold people accountable and the distrust I have developed over the years about the people who appear in front of us,” he said.
He also gave an account of developing the court into an independent judicial branch for the city, which included establishing a permanent city courthouse in 2010. Before Docter took the bench in 1998, the city’s judge was appointed by the mayor.
In recalling how he came to office, Docter called his predecessor a “stooge of the mayor,” at which time District Court Judge Marilyn Paja could be seen on video covering her face with her hand.
Docter did not single out his predecessor by name, but the last appointed judge in Bremerton Municipal Court was Bruce Martin.
Docter did single out state Rep. Tarra Simmons, D-Bremerton. Among the reforms Simmons has sought are policies that help those who served time in jail and prison integrate back into society.
“I know Tarra Simmons disagrees with me on a lot of stuff,” Docter said. “Her goals in the Legislature are counter to all my training and all my beliefs.”
Simmons said she was disappointed Docter made her part of his retirement comments in a negative way.
“I stand by the research which shows treatment and support leads to better outcomes for substance use disorder instead of incarceration,” Simmons wrote in an email to the Kitsap Sun. “I also support the research which shows crippling poor people with fines and fees is counter to public safety goals.”
As a judge of a municipal court and handling crimes up to misdemeanor assault and drunken driving, Docter can sentence a person up to a year in the Kitsap County Jail.
Docter did not run for reelection this year, and his replacement will be Tracy Flood, who made history both in the city and county by becoming the first Black woman elected to preside over a court in Kitsap County. Docter endorsed Flood’s opponent, Tom Weaver.
"It was good," Flood said of Docter's speech. "There are a lot of changes that he was able to accomplish in the time he was there, but there are a lot of changes required."
Docter noted he has seen a transition over the past 20 years of police and prosecutors increasingly targeting people for “trivial, minor” crimes. Whereas in the past Docter said the attention had been on crimes that affect the public and have a propensity for danger, he sees homeless people being targeted for trespassing because they have no place to go.
“I hope Tracy does put together some innovative courts and a way to deal with these people,” Docter said. “I’m not sure that prosecuting them makes the most sense. I don’t know anyone who thinks that makes the most sense.”
As for his future plans, Docter said they have not been finalized. His mother turns 104 years old in February and he wants to stay nearby for the immediate future. However, he has applied for a position with the Peace Corps in Central America.
"But I anticipate that plan could be easily derailed by other, more comfortable opportunities, yet to be identified," he wrote to the Sun.
Following his speech, Docter was asked about an aspect of his personality that's been important to his time on the bench.
"There was a time I would say patience, but I can't use that one any longer," Docter said. "I guess optimism."