Voter turnout for second Central Kitsap school levy election looks to be on par with first

The number of ballots returned Tuesday in a special election asking voters to weigh in on a Central Kitsap School District school support levy was trailing the number returned in a February special election on the same question.
Voters have until 8 p.m. on Tuesday to mail or turn in ballots at county drop boxes on a question of whether to renew an expiring school support levy. Proposition 1 would authorize the school district to levy $1.50 per $1,000 in assessed value on all taxable property within the district, raising as much as $20 million per year in 2023 and 2024.
Elections office receives nearly 14,000 ballots already
As of Monday night, more than 13,600 ballots had been accepted by the elections division of the Kitsap County Auditor's Office.
Kitsap County Auditor Paul Andrews said that a couple hundred more ballots were collected Tuesday morning, and that he anticipated the voter turnout of the special election to be around 30%.
Kitsap school support:Amid pandemic politics and parent pushback, CK schools will try again on school levy
A total of 15,024 voters cast ballots in February, when the district put the same question before voters. In that election, the measure failed, with 7,727 votes against the levy and 7,297 votes for it, or 48.6% voting for the levy and 51.4% voting against it.
Related:Central Kitsap School District leaders address levy failure
The auditor's office in Port Orchard, which was open for walk-in voting for those preferring to cast their ballots in person on Tuesday, wasn't too busy Tuesday morning, but Andrews said that was par for the course for a special election with only one question on the ballot.
"There hasn't been a lot of work, so, yeah, the ballots are kind of coming in slow," Andrew said. "We'll see what today brings."
Stay tuned to on Tuesday evening for election results.
Reporter Pei-yu Lin and local news editor Kimberly Rubenstein contributed to this report.