Kitsap County auditor's office says it's unable to substantiate claim of voter intimidation

The Kitsap County Auditor's Office was unable to substantiate a report being shared on social media that a voter was blocked from depositing a ballot in a county ballot box by a person blocking the box with their car, claiming they were collecting ballots by hand.
The auditor's office released a statement on Saturday that it received several reports about the incident: "The story being circulated is that the voter refused to turn the ballot over, that there was a dispute, the car sped off, narrowly missed two pedestrians, the voter called 911 and was refused assistance by a deputy sheriff."
Auditor Paul Andrews told the Kitsap Sun on Monday this his office received an email about the allegation spreading on social media on Oct. 31 and began investigating. The ballot box where the confrontation was alleged to have occurred was at the Central Kitsap School District's Jenne-Wright Building on Silverdale Way.
Andrews said his office made inquiries to get to the bottom of the incident.
"We reached out to the sheriff’s office," he said. "The sheriff's office could not substantiate the 911 call being made."
He said his office was able to get a hold of a family member of the individual making the claims but has not been able to get a hold of the actual person to get more information to investigate further.
Andrews said his office regularly monitors social media for reports of voting irregularities in Kitsap County and works to get to the bottom of such stories.
"We’ve had other stories in the past where we’ve been able to track it all the way back to the original poster," he said of social media. "Most of it has been a misunderstanding, or it wasn’t retold the way it was the first time."
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Andrews said this is the second time his office has had to try to get to the bottom of an allegation circulating widely on social media. In a past election, a social media post showed ballots in a ditch. The story was "embellished" to be a whole neighborhood’s ballots were found discarded by the U.S. Postal Service.
In reality, two ballots were found in mail discarded in a ditch by a squatter. Andrews said his office found out about it soon enough to send the voters replacement ballots (once a replacement ballot is issued, the other ballot becomes invalid, Andrews said).
While there have been reports of observers hanging out by ballot boxes in places outside of Kitsap County, Andrews said he hasn't heard of such activity happening here. He said his office is seeking clarification from the Kitsap County prosecutor on what is legal when it comes to hanging out next to one.
"We wanted to get a legal definition on what is intimidation, just to understand what the law is," Andrews said. "Everything we know is you can stand next to the box, you just can’t prevent someone from depositing a ballot."
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While the allegation spread in the complaint was that law enforcement was not responding to an incident of voter intimidation, Andrews said he met this month with the sheriff and Kitsap police chiefs to ensure everyone was on the same page when it came to responding to allegations of such behavior.
The news release issued Saturday clarified that the only time a member of the county's ballot collection team would ask to be handed a ballot is if a voter arrives at the ballot drop box after 8 p.m. on Election Day. When the ballot box is locked and the drop area secured, a member of the team would collect the ballot and mark the time it was received. It would not be counted but would be presented to the Kitsap County Elections Canvassing Board for disposition.
"They get accounted for, but they don’t get counted," Andrews said, adding that it's up to the canvassing board to determine if it should get counted.
On election night, 24 groups of two people disperse to the county's 25 election boxes (the one at the County Administration Building is locked by staff on site) in preparation to lock the boxes at 8 p.m. If there is a line of vehicles at the boxes that begins building before the voting cut-off, a member of the team identifies the last vehicle in line by 8 p.m., and those who meet the time cut-off are allowed to deposit their ballot., Andrews said.
For a list of ballot drop box locations, visit Ballots sent by email must be postmarked by Tuesday.
For election results, visit on Tuesday night.
Kimberly Rubenstein is the local news editor of the Kitsap Sun. She can be reached at or 360-792-5263. Support coverage of local news by signing up today for a digital subscription.