december 16
- Powerful $46 million crane coming to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
- Kitsap County elected officials to get raises in 2020
- Carpe Diem String Quartet back to anchor Concerts in the Barn series
- Tobacco and Vapor 21 law change is an opportunity for healthy choices
- Killer whale grandmothers help their pods endure
- Nothing 'great' about Trump's malfeasance
- Plenty of disgrace to go around
- Dems keep failing at their sole goal
- Impeachment talk only strengthens Trump
- Better option was available for clinic
- Former Central Kitsap wrestling coach Mike Harter dies
- ‘Illusionists' star mixes music, magic, comedy in family-friendly show
- Kitsap entertainment calendar
- Driver pulled from submerged vehicle dies
- Seahawks Josh Gordon suspended indefinitely by NFL
- More sexual misconduct charges for former Olympic High School cheer coach
- Officer accused of buying insurance policy while his apartment burned