Kingston townhomes project willing to share more info with community
We appreciate the Sun’s recent article about our proposed Spring Hill project in Kingston, with 230 townhomes, 60% of which will be affordable for households making between $45k and $87k per year.
The project will be located on 20 acres off Lindvog Road. The property is in the Urban Growth Area and zoned for 200 to 360 units, so our project is close to minimum density. Due to critical areas the project will largely be clustered on 7 acres in the NE portion of the property, thereby avoiding 90% of the wetlands. To ensure no net loss of wetland functioning, we will create new wetlands, enhance existing ones, and place the rest of the property (about 13 acres) in a perpetual conservation easement.
Due to the affordable housing component, a Kitsap Transit bus stop on site, and proximity to the ferry landing, a traffic impact analysis finds that daily trips generated by the project will be equivalent to a standard residential subdivision with 100 units.
Because people often have concerns about new development, particularly affordable housing, we know that it is important to share information on the project. We have reached out to more than 15 community groups, presented the project to about 10 groups, and received numerous letters of support. We would be happy to meet with any person or group to discuss the project. Hayes Gori, on behalf of the Spring Hill Townhomes Development Team